Ingredient Integrity™
Low-Micro Flour for Pet Food

Ingredient Integrity™
Low-Micro Flour for Pet Food

NEW! A Safer Solution for Pet Food Ingredients

Panhandle Milling’s Ingredient IntegrityTM brand offers Low-Micro Wheat Flour with 99.999%* less harmful pathogens
than untreated flour. Our Low-Micro Flour maintains the same functionality, appearance, smell, ingredient declaration
and organic certifications as traditional flour – but with less risk! Best of all, unlike heat-treated flours, Ingredient Integrity™’s Low-Micro wheat flour is competitively priced making it as affordable as traditional flour!

*When using GuardianTM, by Energis Solutions, an average 5-log reduction in E.coli is achieved in the flour milling wheat tempering process.

Why Choose Ingredient Integrity™ Low-Micro Flour?

Any pet food product that may not fully go through a kill-step before being ingested should use Low-Micro Flour.

Learn more about our food safety technology partner,
Energis Solutions

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