For summer, this bread is ideal for breakfast buffets, brunches, and lighter fare. Our chef uses it for whole-grain cinnamon rolls that are out of this world! If you prefer an un-spiced version, omit the orange, cinnamon, and rum. It will be a perfect sweet bread. We think you’ll agree. It’s a delightful bread. We’ve included a home-chef version for those who are baking at home. Enjoy.
Scale and measure all ingredients.
Sift the dry ingredients together into a large mixing bowl.
Combine the molasses, water, oil, and flavor extract in a 5-gallon electric mixer on medium speed with paddle attachment for 1 minute.
Add all the dry ingredients, mixing on medium speed for 4-6 minutes until smooth and elastic.
Bring the dough to the bench and knead lightly on a floured surface. Form into a ball. Place in a lightly oiled bowl and cover. Allow to rise until doubled (at 80°).
Form into 10 loaves, 1 lb. 4 oz. each. Place in oiled 8-inch by 4-inch loaf pans.
Proof at 85° at 20% humidity until doubled, about 1 hour.
Knead 10-15 times for about 30 seconds. The dough should be slightly elastic and soft.
Lightly slit tops of loaves and bake at 425°for 20 minutes.
Lower baking temperature to 350°and bake an additional 15-20 minutes.
Internal temperature should register 195°. Remove from oven and allow to cool before removing from pans.
Yield: 4 loaves
1 cup Molasses
4 cups water (cool)
1 cup olive oil
2 Tbsp. yeast
2 Tbsp. Cinnamon
Zest of one orange, about 1 Tbsp.
2 tsp. rum emulsion
1 cup sugar
12 cups Panhandle Milling Whole Wheat flour
2 tsp. Salt
Combine the molasses, water, oil, yeast, sugar, and extract in a bowl.
Combine the flour and spices in a bread mixer bowl.
Add the liquid mixture to the flour mixture and combine slowly until all the flour mixture is incorporated. Knead with a dough hook on medium speed for 4-5 minutes until elastic and smooth.
Remove the hook and form the dough into a ball.
Place in covered location and raise until doubled (at 80°about 1 ½ hours.)
Expel the air from the dough. Divide the Dough into 4 equal portions.
Form each portion into a loaf. Place loaves into 4 oiled loaf pans.
Cover and proof until doubled, about 1 hour.
Lightly slit tops of loaves and bake at 425°for 20 minutes.
Lower baking temperature to 350°and bake an additional 15-20 minutes. Internal temperature should register 195°.
Remove from oven and allow to cool before removing from pans.